Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My Safety Net

The Internet has a vast amount of information, whether good, or bad, it’s out there. As a future teacher who plans on incorporating the internet into my classroom I have to be aware of the safety of my students. Although most schools that have internet access have software programs to limit where students can surf, I still have a responsibility to my students and what they view.

When I eventually do teach, I will make sure that I prepare myself for what my students will encounter. At lower grade levels if I have the students research a topic I will have a list of recommended websites that I would have checked out prior. No matter what grade level I teach I will discuss Internet safety with my students. This will include, but limit to, discussing what information they should and shouldn’t share, what types of websites there are, how to search effectively, and how to discern creditability of a website. I will have to take an active role in what my students may be viewing at home on the Internet as well, and discuss this with them as well.

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