Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Discussing Discussion Boards

Discussion boards in the classroom?

Some Pros
Students can use the discussion boards to communicate with each other outside of class time. They can collaborate on projects, or discuss their thoughts and ideas of something said in class. Online discussion boards would help students work on their computer skills – word processing, etc.

Some Cons
As with most online applications, security is an issue. Students would have to know the limits and rules for discussion boards. Discussion boards could be public and therefore anyone has access. Topics/discussions could get off topic or out of hand if not monitored and directed. Not all students may have access to a computer so discussion outside of the classroom for that student may be difficult.

Using discussion boards to enhance classroom interactions.
1. Teachers can use a discussion board to get to know the students better.
2. Teachers could use a discussion board to communicate with parents.
3. Students can help each other (peer tutoring) on problems they may have.
4. Discussions in class that didn’t have enough time can be continued in a discussion board.
5. Teachers can use a discussion board for feedback.

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