Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Multimedia in the Classroom
Science – Grade 3
The website www.brainpop.com/ consists of many multimedia videos for every school subject. The video are cartoon like with not a lot of animation but with a lot of still pictures changing with the audio. They are really colourful and bright. Some of the videos include activities to experiment with, and a cartoon that relates to the topic, and every video has a multiple choice test that students can complete.
Integration into the classroom: I would use this video in my classroom to teach the grade 3’s about sound and how it works. I would have the students log onto the website, by using a teacher log in or a school log in. If not possible I would log in and show the video to the class on a smart board or by projection. After students had seen the video I would have them complete the multiple choice test. We could then follow the activity to listen to and make different sounds.
Planning and Preparation: To prepare this activity for my class I would first watch the video (which I already have done), and read through the activity (again already done) and take the test (you guessed it, already done), so that I can see what my students will see, and so that I can see any problems that my students may encounter. If students were going to log on themselves I would make sure that the website is written out for the students. I would also prepare the materials for the activity, although I would probably use plastic bottles so if there were any accidents there wouldn’t be any broken glass.
3–9 Describe the nature of sound, and demonstrate methods for producing and controlling sound.
1. Identify examples of vibration.
2. Recognize that sound is the result of vibration; and demonstrate that the larger the vibration, the louder the sound.
3. Recognize that there are ways of measuring the loudness of sounds and that loud sounds pose a danger to the ear.
4. Recognize that pitch is the result of differences in the rate of vibration, and predict how a change in the rate of vibration will affect a sound.
5. Demonstrate a variety of ways of producing sounds; e.g., by striking an empty glass, by blowing air into a bottle, by constructing and using a device that involves vibrating strings.
ICT Outcomes:
C1 Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies.
C4 Students will use organizational processes and tools to manage inquiry.
F3 Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology.
F6 Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of the operating skills required in a variety of technologies.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
My Safety Net
When I eventually do teach, I will make sure that I prepare myself for what my students will encounter. At lower grade levels if I have the students research a topic I will have a list of recommended websites that I would have checked out prior. No matter what grade level I teach I will discuss Internet safety with my students. This will include, but limit to, discussing what information they should and shouldn’t share, what types of websites there are, how to search effectively, and how to discern creditability of a website. I will have to take an active role in what my students may be viewing at home on the Internet as well, and discuss this with them as well.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Spreadsheet Diversity
One way I might incorporate spreadsheets into an elementary classroom would be to have the students list specific qualities…hair colour, eye colour, nationality, favorite colour, pets, etc. The qualities could contain a range of things. Students would then poll their peers to see how many other students fit into the selected qualities. Students would then input their results into a spreadsheet, and graph the results. I believe this assignment would open students’ eyes to the diversity in their very own classroom.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Discussing Discussion Boards
Some Pros
Students can use the discussion boards to communicate with each other outside of class time. They can collaborate on projects, or discuss their thoughts and ideas of something said in class. Online discussion boards would help students work on their computer skills – word processing, etc.
Some Cons
As with most online applications, security is an issue. Students would have to know the limits and rules for discussion boards. Discussion boards could be public and therefore anyone has access. Topics/discussions could get off topic or out of hand if not monitored and directed. Not all students may have access to a computer so discussion outside of the classroom for that student may be difficult.
Using discussion boards to enhance classroom interactions.
1. Teachers can use a discussion board to get to know the students better.
2. Teachers could use a discussion board to communicate with parents.
3. Students can help each other (peer tutoring) on problems they may have.
4. Discussions in class that didn’t have enough time can be continued in a discussion board.
5. Teachers can use a discussion board for feedback.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Inspirational Concepts

Using Inspiration for this concept map allows for quite a few of the technology outcomes to be fulfilled, although these are some that fit the best:
C1 Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies.
C4 Students will use organizational processes and tools to manage inquiry.
P2 Students will organize and manipulate data.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Integrating ICT
Payton, T. (Ed.). (1999). Rock Hounds with Rocky: Discover How Rocks are Formed. Retrieved on September 29, 2007 from http://www.fi.edu/fellows/payton/rocks/create/index.html
Author(s) Unknown. (2002). Minerals. Retrieved on September 30, 2007 from http://www.theimage.com/mineral/index.htm
Wheeling Jesuit University/Center for Educational Technologies. (2005). The Rock Cycle. Retrieved on September 30, 2007 from http://www.cotf.edu/ete/modules/msese/earthsysflr/rock.html
Science Grade 3
Students would learn about rocks and minerals from websites listed above, texts if available and samples of rocks and minerals if available. They would explore the similarities and differences of the many properties. Students would learn the characteristics for classifying and identifying rocks and minerals. Students would each collect 5-10 samples around the school, home, or community that are different. They would then use the knowledge learned and the resources to classify the rocks. The would then share with the class a few of their finds.
General Learner Outcome
3-5 Demonstrate knowledge of materials that comprise Earth’s crust, and demonstrate skill in classifying these materials.
Specific Learner Outcomes
1. Compare samples of various kinds of rock, and identify similarities and differences.
2. Given a description of the properties of a particular rock or mineral, identify a sample rock or mineral that matches those properties. Properties that students should be able to describe and interpret include:
- colour
- lustre or “shininess”; e.g., shiny, dull, glassy, metallic, earthy
- texture; e.g., rough, smooth, uneven
- hardness, based on scratch tests with available materials
- presence of carbonates. Note that the presence of carbonates can be tested with vinegar or another mild acid
- crystal shape for minerals, or overall pattern of rocks.
3. Describe and classify a group of rocks and minerals, based upon the above properties.
4. Recognize that rocks are composed of a variety of materials; and given a course grained rock and magnifier, describe some of the component materials.
ICT Outcomes
C1 1.2 Process information from more than one source to retell what has been discovered.
C6 1.3 Use technology to support and present conclusions.
P2 1.1 Read information from a prepared database.
P3 1.1 Access images, such as clip art, to support communication.
Technology would help this activity because Geology samples that contain different numbers of rocks and minerals can be expensive. Also the sample boxes usually include only one (maybe two, but not likely) variety of a particular rock or mineral making classification and identification difficult. Using online galleries allows students to look and compare with many different rocks, as different minerals could make the rocks appear different. The website where Discover How Rocks are Formed has animated processes for the rock formations. This adds some dimension to the activity and allows for different methods of teaching. This lesson could be taught without technology but I believe that the Technology adds to it.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Integrating Technology
Technology Integration is the addition of technology in the classroom to effectively support instruction. Technology in the classroom is not just computers; it includes the Internet, word processing software, interactive SMART boards, calculators, television, and so many other things.
Good technology integration could be any form of technology that allows students to actively engage in their learning. Students could research online material for a school project or report, and have access to many more resources than the school library could provide. Students could create a presentation using PowerPoint or a video camera. Technology is making our world more accessible. This past month 30 schools in the United States have gotten the opportunity to speak ‘live’ with the Astronauts at the International Space Station. What an experience for these students to have; one you don’t get from reading about in books. Technology made this happen and it has more than likely encouraged and inspired many children in the world of science.
Technology integration can hinder students learning when it is not effectively applied. Allowing students to ‘surf the net’ with no guidance could lead to student frustration and chaos in the classroom. The teacher must be prepared to incorporate the technology in a way that benefits the students learning.
There are some barriers to technology integration. Technology is ever changing, that’s what technology is, a progression of ideas. Constant progression can make previous ideas obsolete. Not many people still own or operate a Commodore 64, but when it first hit the market it was the computer to have. When I bought my latest computer, the very next day the company my processor was made by produced a processor that was much faster than mine. Software is constantly being upgraded and changed as well, and eventually you are forced to update because nothing is compatible anymore. My point here is that technology is a constant investment; an investment in both financial resources as well as in time. To keep updated on hardware and software programs can be expensive and time consuming because training may be needed to properly use the hardware or software. Teachers incorporating technology in their classrooms should be knowledgeable with that form of technology, and if they aren’t they should be willing to learn about it.